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Saved by Benjamin Lealofi
on April 8, 2009 at 6:38:27 pm

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Katie Bunn-Marcuse




"Dressed to the Nines"   see phrase finder for the inconclusive results, posted by Katie Bunn-Marcuse





What: 38th Annual First Nations @ UW Spring POW WOW Indigenous Solidarity


Where: Bank of America Hec Edmundson Pavillion - Seattle, WA


When: April 10, 11 & 12, 2009


Why: To display and witness the amazing Indigenous cultural singing, dancing and instrument playing.  You'll enjoy a great time exploring the different Indigenous tribes, music, clothing, and eating some great food (especially the fry bread)!  It will be plenty of fun.  AND it's a great way to see our Art History 309 class applied right in your face, live!  (Literally)  A great opportunity to come, mix and mingle and enjoy a great end of the week. 


For more information:  Contact First Nations @ UW at: fnuw@u.washington.edu  To see the POW WOW flyer, to the right of this page, under "Page Tools", under "Insert links", click on the "Images and Files" tab.  Click on the "POW WOW" photo.  If you have a facebook account, check out the event there as well.


Presented to you by: Benjamin Lealofi






Photo talk click Artist Talk at UW - Phil Borges April 30, 2009 Steve Beckham


Sing Sing

Saturday, May 2, 2009 - 8:00 PM, Meany Hall, UW

Tickets only $20 for Woodland Park Zoo members (normally $33). One Night Only – Saturday, May 2 at 8:00 p.m.

Woodland Park Zoo is pleased to be partnering with the UW World Series to support Sing Sing (this touring performance takes its name, Sing Sing, from a Papua New Guinea expression meaning "large musical gathering") for their Saturday, May 2 performance at Meany Hall on the UW campus. Experience the musical traditions of the indigenous peoples of Australia, Papua New Guinea, and West Papua. Using song, dance, and video projections, a ten-member troupe of dancers and musicians tells the stories of Oceania from both long ago and today.

Thanks to our partnership with the UW World Series you can see this performance for only $20. Call the UW Arts Ticket Office at 206-543-4880 and mention promotion code 1359 to receive this special price. (Balcony seating, limit 2 tickets per order, subject to availability. Phone or in-person orders only. Offer expires at noon on Friday, May 1, 2009. Discounted tickets must be purchased in advance. This discount is not available at the door.)

posted by Katie Bunn-Marcuse

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