The use of jewelry in indigenous body adornment spans cross-culturally around the world, taking on many different forms and meanings. For our project, each member has provided an in-depth analysis on jewelry found in one of four different locations:
Mesoamerica by Edith _______
Mongolia by Devon Hale
Ancient Egypt by Michelle Tobin
India - 1 by Rachel Andre
India - 2 (amulets) by Melanie _______
In these, we will present our individual research and interpretations on several recurring themes, such as the use of jewelry in particular ceremonies, jewelry as a means of defining social status, religious connotations, the use of economically valuable or invaluable materials, and the importance of color symbolism. Traditions and beliefs may vary among differing cultures, but each one addresses these concepts and has unique methods for creating jewelry and utilizing its symbolic power.
World Map.pdf
Ancient Egyptian Jewellery by Carol Andrews
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