Native American Adornment

The nations which comprise Native America cover a much larger area than many indigenous groups, so it must be taken into account that these nations are all distinct cultures with varying aesthetics and adornment. Nevertheless, every one of these groups has been subjected to the influx of western civilization and the attempts by missionaries and government to either assimilate or exterminate them. This has caused some of the adornment our group has researched to be less common, such as the Tsimshian naxnox masks and the Lakota warrior clothing, and it has also caused some access to Native adornment to increase, such as in the case of Southwestern squash blossom necklaces. Although the efforts to assimilate Native Americans is possibly the only direct connection that the Lakota, Navajo and Tsimshian have experienced, they all contain indirectly related issues within their adornments as well. In all of these cultures, the issue of status, wealth, and power may be seen through adornment. The production of adornment is always closely related to the local resources that each nation is contained within, and in association with the animals and spirits that each nation holds as their own. In addition, the production and use of the adornment reveals the issue of gender role in relation to the adornment.
As you observe the contributions of each team member, make sure to compare how each type of adornment deals with the recurring themes of: western influence, rank, status, wealth and power, incorporation of local animals and cosmologies, use of local resources, and gender roles.

Chilkat Blankets - Emmy's Page
Tsimshian Naxnox Masks - Sara's Page

Southwest Jewelry - Julie's Page

Lakota Warriors - Lisa's Page
Signs and Symbols - Leisha's Page
Comments (2)
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse said
at 8:53 pm on May 19, 2009
Nice introductory statement. Concise but covers the vast variation that your group's research encompasses. Also points out the themes that connect the adornment of these groups. - Katie Bunn-Marcuse said
at 8:57 pm on Jun 2, 2009
i love the work, the images are great! learning about native Americans in class and reading your paper is great! These people had such a great unity with nature and the creatures of this earth.
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